To create a form, from the "gears" menu, choose "Communication Management" and you'll see the tabs across the top:

Choosing the "Forms" tab will take you the forms manager.

Then open it up.

After that select the plus button to start the create form process. This opens the form editor for a new form. It will populate the form section with a stock surgical consent form to give you something to work with. Importantly it shows how to use the placeholders available to you in the form. Things like {{= patient.firstName }} which will render the Patient's first name when the form is produced in the context of a patient.

In order to collect information from the client, you can click the "Add Item" button near the bottom of the window:

There are several "types" of item that you can add, each one will provide a different format of data that can be collected:

Once you've created a form, you can send it to your client by using the "Request Form Completion" option from the Patient Dashboard: