The "text expansion" system is one of the most flexible and powerful template systems available within VetBadger. To get started setting it up, go to "Clinic Settings" (from the "gears" menu) and scroll down in the "General" section to "Text Expansion Items":

Click the "+ Expansion Item" button to create your first item:

Expansion items can be simple plain-text replacements or complex rich text documents with formatting and links:

Once you have created a few items, you'll be able to use them in text editors throughout VetBadger. For example, while emailing a client report, you could use a text expansion item for discharge instructions:

Typing the '#' character will trigger the expansion menu, and once you start typing the code for an item you will see the list of possible auto-completions for that code. Selecting one of the codes will pull the text for that replacement:

To learn more about the replacement tokens available in text expansion items (which are also available in the forms and message template systems), see this article.