By default, appointments will have reminder tasks created one day before the appointment date. If you need different timing of reminders, you can use the reminder rule system to customize the reminders.

To set up custom appointment reminder rules, from the “gears” menu you’ll select “Appointment Management” → “Appointment Reminders” and click the button to “Add Reminder” which will open this configuration window:

The settings shown here will cause a reminder task to be generated (following the task configuration in “Clinic Settings” → “Task Settings”) for every appointment that is 7 days in the future. Choose the “ONLY IF…” option if you want to exclude recently-created appointments, and only create reminders for appointments that have been on the calendar for the specified number of days (so an appointment created yesterday won’t trigger a reminder today, for example).

Select the “Send reminders automatically” if you want VetBadger to send the email and/or text message without intervention (using the message specified in the “Clinic Settings” → “Message Templates” section). When choosing the automatic reminders, it is sometimes useful to use the hour-based timing to send last-minute reminders.

Keep in mind that you can specify as many different reminder rules as you need, so it’s common to have multiple reminders sent for appointments that have been on the calendar for a longer period of time.  For example, if your schedule is booked six months in advance, those appointments might need a reminder three weeks before the date, and another a few days before the date.